Selasa, 29 September 2015


Mount Fuji is called Fuji-san in Japanese

Hasil gambar untuk fujiyama mountain fact

Mount Fuji located on Honshu Island, is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft).

This volcanic mountain is actually three separate volcanoes, one on top of the other. The bottom layer is the Komitake volcano, then the Kofuji volcano, then Fuji, which is the youngest of the three.

A pilgrimage site for centuries, it’s considered one of Japan’s 3 sacred mountains, and summit hikes remain a popular activity.

Mount Fuji, one of the world’s most beautiful mountains, is Japan’s most popular attraction.

A perfectly symmetrical volcanic cone, the mountain is a near-mythical national symbol immortalized in countless works of art.

Symmetrical shape is unusual for a mountain, and especially a volcano.

Hasil gambar untuk fujiyama mountain fact

mount fuji from air

Mount Fuji is called Fuji-san in Japanese. The origin of Fuji’s name is disputed. Some say it derives from the Ainu language used by the Japanese aboriginal people and means “everlasting life.” Linguists, however, say that the name is from the Yamato language and refers to Fuchi, the Buddhist fire goddess.

The native Ainu revered the great peak. Shintoists consider the peak sacred to the goddess Sengen-Sama, who embodies nature, while the Fujiko sect believes the mountain is a being with a soul. A shrine to Sengen-Sama is on the summit. Japanese Buddhists believe the mountain is the gateway to a different world.


The last eruption of this volcano started in December of 1707 and continued until the first day of the new year in 1708.

Hasil gambar untuk fujiyama mountain fact

The mountain formed in four phases of volcanic activity which began 600,000 years ago.

Mount Fuji is stratovolcano (also known as a composite volcano) that means it is a conical volcano built up by many layers (strata) of hardened lava, tephra, pumice, and volcanic ash.

Mount Fuji Is Surrounded by 5 Lakes! These lakes are called Kawaguchiko, Yamanakako, Saiko, Motosuko and Shojiko. These lakes are around 300 meters (1,000 feet) above sea level and provide people visiting the area with the best vantage point from which to view Mount Fuji.

Sometimes you can see lenticular clouds over Mount Fuji.

lenticular clouds over mount fuji

The Mountain Is Actually Part of a National Park called Fuji-Hakone-Izu. This is the most visited national park in the country.

In ancient times Samurai warriors trained here, and it has also been a site for Buddhist training.

An anonymous Buddhist monk was the first one to climb Mount Fuji in the year 663.

It was forbidden for women to climb Mount Fuji until 1912.

More than 200,000 people climb to the summit every year.

mount fuji summit

Springtime is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year to see Fuji. The snow-covered mountain is framed by pink cherry blossoms, giving Fuji the name Konohana-Sakuahime, which means “causing the blossom to brightly bloom.”

If you plan on climbing Mount Fuji the season is very short. Climbing season begins on the first day in July,and it ends in the last week of August on the 27th.

The sunrise from Mount Fuji has a special name, Goraiko.

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